My submission for the YCN competition, gaming headset company HyperX wanted console specific advertising.

I decided to create a rotoscope animation in Photoshop since I did not have access to decent sets or a HyperX headset.

This was my first attempt at creating animations in Photoshop. The process boiled down to tediously tracing every frame using the brush tool.

Each character is based off footage of my friends wearing a headset using various controllers. From my research I found that multi platform capability was important to most users and so wanted to showcase the consoles using colour in the controllers. 

I decided to make the illustrations very simple, in the style of an instruction manual since they are designed to be universally understood. This was important as the brief specified distribution outside predominately English speaking countries. 

In After Effects I added text, using turbulent displacement and wiggle to achieve the same boiling effect as the hand drawn illustrations. Tint is used to change the colours to the upcoming console during transitions.

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